A folk remedy for parasites in the human body

The parasites poison the body, undermine the health. They are impossible to defend 100%. Regular checks and cleaning is a necessary measure. To get rid of parasites, you don't have to buy it at the drugstore a synthetic antiparasitic drugs. There are a number of safe and cost effective manner. Gathered here are time-tested recipes that are worth paying attention to.

Helminthic infection does not always flow sensor and can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms. A person may have to a couple of years ago didn't know of the existence of a body of the parasites. However, he feels the problem is: low mood, sleep disturbances, problems with hair, nails. Take vitamins or dietary Supplements are often not able to have a positive effect.

it means the parasites

Of the harmful parasites:

  • to get out of hand, allergies, and diseases of the skin;
  • break out of the abdomen;
  • poison the body of toxins;
  • interfere with the absorption of nutrients;
  • weaken a person's immune system.

They also affect the functioning of all organs and systems. The sooner you begin treatment for intestinal parasites (and other types), the less damage it will bring.

It is not always possible to independently detect intruders, so it is highly recommended to make the diagnosis. Laboratory tests will help to detect the problem and to identify the species of the parasites.

The traditional recipes of the parasites

If the ELISA showed a blood-parasites, or that they are in a Fortress, you don't have to be in the treatment of the use of synthetic drugs. There are plenty of popular recipes that give good results. Most of them are on the basis of the available items. It is important that they are of high quality. It is not acceptable for the preparation of the use of containers made of a plastic or an oxidized metal. It is wiser to give them an advantage on the glass, enamelled containers.

Teas, tinctures without alcohol-they have a limited shelf life, so be prepared for a single day only.

The seeds from the pumpkin

A soft relief of the parasites, which are often used in the home. Pumpkin seeds contain a substance that paralyzes the worms. Deprived of the ability to move around and get stuck to the intestinal wall, the parasites die out naturally. For humans, this substance is harmless, the seeds can be consumed in any quantity. However, it is much better this product works with the milk.


  • 120 g sunflower seeds;
  • 150 ml of milk.


Whisk the seeds with the milk in a blender. You eat in the morning on an empty stomach, instead of the Breakfast. For one hour, and there is nothing to drink. 3 hours to do a cleansing enema.


Garlic – the most popular vegetable parasites, followed by the onions. This medication is contraindicated for people with diseases of the stomach.

Against what parasites amount of garlic:

  • roundworm
  • filaria;
  • Giardia;
  • pinworms.

A warm glass of milk, add 12 drops of fresh garlic juice is to drink it in the morning. Take a Sunday, 10 days course repeat. Against intestinal parasites is commonly used enema with the garlic water. 0.5 liters is necessary to take 5-7 cloves of garlic, to give, to insist night and filter.


The only natural remedy that will help in the fight against the parasites. Chanterelles are safe and effective against different species of tapeworms and other helminths. This is the most popular and safe cleansing of the body from parasites folk remedies. To prepare tinctures, are more likely to be used in the fresh mushrooms. You can replace the smoothie with a good quality vodka.

By the way, these mushrooms are never to be worms, that's the kind of proof of its efficacy.


  • vodka;
  • chanterelles.


Chop the mushrooms, you can chop it with a knife. Fill half of the jar of 0.5 liters, up to the top, add the vodka (moonshine), to shake, be out 10-14 days, drain. Use a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening on an empty stomach. Or a drink of 2 teaspoons of tincture in the course of the night.

aspen bark

Aspen bark

To connect with 50 g of the bark and 500 ml of water, boil 5 minutes, infuse for 3 hours, you can leave it in over night. Drink a throat to 5 times a day, except for meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.


This is a folk remedy in the fight against parasites in the age group of 60 years and older. Ginger, in addition to the elimination of the helminths improves the flow of bile, detoxifies the liver, alleviates pain and spasms, removes toxins.

Method of application: brew any tea with 1 tsp of grated ginger. Drink a Cup a day for three weeks.


Iodine, as potassium helps to get rid of a variety of parasites, before it will not stand in the fungus, tapeworms and roundworms. To prepare it is to mix 2 tsp of the starch, the sugar, and add 100 ml of water, 1 pinch of citric acid. Bring to a boil, remove from the heat, were introduced 150 ml of water and 2 tsp regular drugstore iodine.

Make it an adult drink such as a jelly 3 times a day. Children 10 years of age, should you take 0.3 Cup means. At the age of 10, 0.5 cups.

Birch tar

For the treatment to be used in just a a pharmacy target. The tools of our own making that can be applied.

There are a variety of different patterns here, one of the options. Every morning to drink a tablespoon of juice from an Apple with 1 drop of the target, and then, one Sunday, to add a drop of each and every day, and gradually work up to 7 drops. In the same chapter, make it a month, then take a break for 3 months.


For the treatment using the decoction of the husks. Peel a pomegranate for you to fill in 250 of boiling water, and boil for five minutes and an hour to get the confirmation. Drain, peel and press. To drink for 3-4 reception in a period of 1.5 hours. The next 4 hours, nothing to drink, not to eat.

Flax seeds

Mix with 10 parts of linseed (seeds) 1 part clove, minced. Make a powder by any suitable method, for up to 20 g per day, about a month ago. You can also add it to snacks, drinks, or taken separately with water.


You can simply add spice in different dishes, but it's better to use a special blend of turmeric, garlic, ginger. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts, to the aged a day at room temperature in a sealed container. Take 1 tsp in the morning and in the evening for 7 consecutive days.

Black walnut

Most of the treatment is the use of the tincture of black walnut. Take 2 tsp before Breakfast and dinner for two weeks.

Vegetable oil for parasites

Vegetable oil is a very simple means of parasites, as it does not require prior training. Max, what you need to do is to mix it with other ingredients according to the recipe.

For cleaning, use only unrefined oil. Well, if it is a direct extraction. Also, it is very important to read the expiration dates on the fresh products of a more valuable substance.

Castor oil (with a drink)

On the internet, 50 ml of brandy and 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil. It's in the course of the night 3-4 hours after a light meal. It is desirable to carry out the cleaning at the weekend, as a tool, it has a pronounced laxative effect.

Black cumin oil

Take 10 ml three times a day before meals. After 2 weeks, repeat. In order to improve the taste you can mix it with yogurt, juice or any other drink with a low sugar content.

Pumpkin seed oil

A method of cleaning or treatment without an enema. It is suitable for children and adults are helped to cope with the parasites. You need to do a swab of cotton wool impregnated with oil, in order to be close to in the course of the night the anus. Repeat it for 40 days.

Flaxseed oil

Take 1 tsp of oil for 3-4 times a day before meals (about 20-30 minutes). The best effect is achieved if you drink a decoction of the herb st. john's wort.

Essential oils

They have added an anti-parasitic cleansing enema with the oil. The most commonly used esters of lemon or eucalyptus. In a base of oil (sunflower, flax, pumpkin) and add 3-4 drops.

Coconut oil

Take 1 tsp unrefined coconut oil 3 times a day before meals, gradually increasing the dose to 1 tbsp. Then you get a 7 days, and in such a number, and you can also drink warm herbal tea or water.

lawns by parasites


For struggle against parasites the most is the bitter herbs. Here are the most popular recipes that have proved themselves from the best side. All of the herbs, it is recommended that you buy from a pharmacy. If they are to be dealt with individually, the collection of expenditure away from roads and residential areas to the clean areas.


A killer tool against the that did not happen, and even flat worms. You can buy it at the drugstore, it was like a drug, but it is better to cook it by yourself. In addition to this, it is going to be a lot cheaper. Here's one of the recipes, there are variations with different additives (nuts, seeds, and other herbs).


  • 4 tablespoons of tansy;
  • 1 tablespoon of wormwood;
  • 1 tablespoon of cloves.


Mix in the chopped ingredients. On the first day to eat 1 teaspoon before Breakfast, drink the water. The second day is consumed before Breakfast and before dinner. On the third day, in the morning, afternoon, and evening.


You can do it with an enema of an infusion of wormwood, but are more likely to do the grass area. To do this, grind the dried herb, may be taken in the morning and in the evening 1 scoop of the week, drink plain water. In the month of may was repeated.


Take up to 30 days in the morning and evening for 1 teaspoon of chopped tansy. Drink 1 Cup of warm water. Meals can be taken in half an hour. If you need it in a month, can be repeated cleaning, but in the course of the two weeks.


Mix 1 part dried chamomile and 10 parts of vodka, insist 2 weeks, drain. Take 30 drops before meals 4 times a day for three weeks.

How to get rid of the parasites for 3 days

If you need to quickly bring the parasites in the adult, using the present system. It also fits the people who are not able to stay at home, it is taken prior to meals of the infusion.

How to quickly clean your body:

  1. About 5-7 days prior to cleaning to normalize the power. Remove the products from the wheat flours, potatoes, sugars, starches.
  2. Mix 100 g of dry herbs: tansy, wormwood, buckthorn. Brew 1 tbsp in 2 cups of boiling water, drink 100 g and 30 minutes before each meal, in exactly 3 days.
  3. Each and every day to do the cleaning of the oil, or the sodium enema.

The next Sunday, it is recommended to follow closely the stool and prevent constipation. If you need to, take a mild laxatives.

To prevent infection by parasites

Parasites can enter the body by water, food via dirty hands, unwashed vegetables. So, the main thing in prevention is to observe cleanliness. It is important to thoroughly wash the vegetables, you can rinse it with warm water. Down the street you should always be wash your hands. If this is not possible, then it is treated with a special anti-bacterial gel or wipes.

The second important point is to limit the use of raw fish and meat. The products must be thoroughly boil, bake, fry. If you are drawn to some of the national dishes of Korean, Chinese food, often meat and fish are treated with vinegar.

You carefully need to be taken for food on the street. The danger is not just fast food, but it also wipes out your Seller's hands, take the money, cook the food that you give to the clients.


To deal with the parasites it is not as difficult as it may seem. There is an amazing amount of simple and an affordable manner. It is important to follow the recipe and don't try to speed up the process by increasing the dosage. Any medicine becomes a poison if you missed the approach of a therapy.